It is a freezing Tuesday morning in Kliptown in Soweto and we attended the official opening of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (yes another one). The main event was the Premier's State of the Province speech.
Kliptown is a significant place in South African history as it is the place where the ANC held its Congress of the People and adopted the famous Freedom Charter. You can Google it for more information.
Arriving at the venue was a bit of a mission because of all the closed roads, luckily I had my accreditation and a firendly metro police man gave me parking in front of the venue.
The MPL's (i.e. us) had to sit outside in the freezing wind while the VIP's had a nice comfortable wait inside the main tent (erected for the event). Well all but Fred. I was freezing my butt off so I joined the VIP's in the tent.
This usually marks the official opening of the Legislature despite us having had a few sittings beforehand. The purpose of the event is for the Premier to indicate her programme for delivery and her style of government since this is her first State of the Province speech of her term.
The Premier gave a lively and fiery speech full of promise, light on substance, but reminiscent of DA policy!! The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. Her actions must now match her promises, which I think may not be that easy. But let's wait and see.
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