As I indicated yesterday, today we had our mock sitting. We basically sat in the auditorium got lectures on the basics of the rules of the house and the cute little touch screens that we use, once they work fully, for all kind of stuff.
The mock sitting ended with a run down of tomorrow's inauguration/ swearing in procedures. The nice thing about the mock sitting was that we were able to get used to our seats in the legislature. I am sitting between Mike Moriarty and Bev Abrahams and have Thomas Walters, Paul Willemburg, Solly Nkhi, Khumi Ramulifho, Neill Campbell and Gavin Lewis in close proximity - oh and off course chief whip Glenda Steyn! I already feel at home in the house and am looking forward to the first real debate.
Things are moving fast now. Today I got a parking space (with my name on it!), access card, office allocation as well as my portfolios. I will be spokesperson on local government (my first choice - yeah!) and deputy spokesperson on public transport, roads and stormwater (could have been worse!). I look forward to my exciting and challenging two portfolios and I think I will be having a lot of fun with them.
As I said tomorrow it is our formal swearing in (as Paul said today he loves swearing!) and after that we will hopefully get our programmes and start working proper.
I still have to deal with the admin around the medical aid transition and as well as my cellphone porting (i must choose a handset on Friday - these choices are killing me!).
Tomorrow will be the inauguration edition!!!
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